The Long Term Battle

#020 – Do you feel discouraged or without hope when you watch the news?
Does the world seem chaotic and disheartening?

Are you tempted to throw your hands in the air and just focus on “eternal things” or “spiritual things?”
What if there were a way to fill your soul with enough hope and vision to brighten your whole outlook based on what God plans to do in the long run?
You need more than hope for today and tomorrow. You need the burning vision of the Kingdom of God over the long haul aflame in your soul!
In this episode we look at the glorious vision of God for His Kingdom on the Earth that has been established, is happening, and will happen.
Let this episode inspire you and reignite a flame within as you soar with new-found faith knowing that no matter how challenging today may seem – perseverance over the long haul brings you closer to the full manifestation of God’s Kingdom!
Then come back and tell me your thoughts.
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